Media Indaba Extra 18/19
MI_x Cape Town 27 – 29 Nov
Day 2: Media and Land in South Africa. Apply here to attend
Day 3: Hacks/Hackers and WanaData workshop. Apply here to attend
Media Indaba Extra: Cape Town
Who owns the land in SA?
It’s a hugely contested question,
with conflicting opinions across
the political and social spheres.
Getting an accurate answer is not just vitally important
to addressing the inequalities of the past.
It’s also crucial to preventing flawed implementations
in the process of restitution, and to enforcing
transparency so as to expose potential corruption.
We also need accurate data to counter the spread of
misinformation by various political factions,
and to provide journalists with the tools to track,
analyse and report on land issues.
The Media Indaba Extra day will be a combination
of short talks by experts in the field, case studies
of award-winning land journalism projects,
and short, impactful workshops run by data experts.
The day will also include a master class from
DFRLab’s Ben Nimmo, looking at how social media
misinformation around land issues can be
spotted, analysed and combatted.
Participants will also learn to use various land-specific data tools, including the Code for Africa Our Land data tool (developed in partnership with Rapport and City Press), to give journalists and researchers easy ways to compare land data sets, create visualisations, and embed info into pages.
The MI_x event will include a slot to brainstorm pitches for funding for collaborative journalism projects and news tools.
Day Three will be a deep dive into water, land and climate data, with trainers and data experts running practical sessions. To attend, apply here.
In the mix
Investigative, Sensor, Forensic,
Graphic, Data-driven and
— Journalism and Design;
— The War Against Truth;
Media Indaba encourages conversation and networking between interested parties.
So we don’t generally allow questions after presentations, and we keep talks short and focused. The intention is to inspire collaboration between people from different countries and media houses.
If you’d like to offer a talk or hold a workshop, or showcase your project on our Media Fair, let us know.
#MIA17 Round-up
More than 300 participants from all over Africa and the world attended Media Indaba Africa 2017, which featured over 60 speakers and trainers.
These included representatives from some of the leading media and tech brands: WikiTribune, Atlantic Council, Quartz Africa, Hacks/Hackers, Human Rights Watch, Daily Maverick, amaBhungane, Sunday Times, g0v, Omidyar, Huffington Post SA, Mail & Guardian’s Bhekisisa, BMGF, City Press, OjoPublico, Carte Blanche, MSF and others.
A variety of carefully curated talks and workshops covered collaborative and data-driven journalism, and drone, bot and sensor journalism, much of it along a central track on misinformation and fact-checking.
Media Indaba Africa is hosted by the continent’s largest data journalism and civic technology federation, Code for Africa, in partnership with Hacks/Hackers Africa.

“Thank you for a super conference! It was such a
great experience and it really made me think and
better understand the danger of technology’s
intersection with misinformation.
It is really scary…. It is so uplifting to be
reminded that there are many talented people
that care about the world out there.”
Sally Evans, amaBhungane
Featured Speakers from 2017
– Organised By –

– 2018 Sponsors –

– 2017 Sponsors –

– 2017 Partners –